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You Had Me at Garlic...

As you all know I LOVE cheeses...All different kinds of cheeses but my most favorite kind is the SOFT, OOEY, GOOEY kind. Today's recipe from Good Cheap Eats combines my one love with 2 others...Garlic and baguettes. Oh My Goodness! ...just looking at their post I was in heaven and thinking about it now my mouth is drooling watering. Now that I have put my tongue back into my mouth I will give you the details on how to make your own mouth watering appetizer...


2 heads of Garlic
1 Log of Goat Cheese
Panko Bread Crumbs (or make your own by toasting the crusts of your bread loaf and then crumbling up)
Salt (I used our Sea salt shaker)
EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil)
Heat Proof Dishes

Start off by heating your oven to a toasty warm 350° ...then taking your garlic slice off the entire top portion so that all the little cloves are exposed but not released. Place them in your heat proof bowl and douse them with a healthy amount of EVOO, allowing it to soak into the leaves of the garlic shell. Top them off with a sprinkle of salt and pepper to taste and put them in your oven to cook for 1 hour. (I forgot to take a picture before I put them in the oven...sorry it was late and I was tired...but you will see what I mean by slicing off just the top a little further down when they come back out of the oven)

While your Garlic babies are toasting up in the hot oven you will need to take your goat cheese and coat the outside of it in EVOO. (again my apologies, I forgot to put it in the ingredient picture...lack of sleep and not feeling well will do that to a person) I poured some of the EVOO on the dish and then rolled the cheese log in it. Although the cheese stuck a bit to the dish it got the job done. Once your roll is completely covered you will need to sprinkle the entire outside in Panko or homemade breadcrumbs that have been mixed with salt and pepper. The more you put on the outside the better as you want the cheese to have a crispy brown, crunchy texture for eating.

When your garlic has reached the 30minutes point of its cooking time you can place your prepared cheese log in the oven beside it. The cheese will remain in the oven for the final 30minutes in order to heat thoroughly. By now your house should be smelling incredible...Ding! Your hour is up....

Remove your garlic...

Now you can see what I mean by just taking off the very top of the garlic and exposing the cloves.

 and cheese from the oven to cool...

While they are cooling you will need to thinly slice your bread up, goat Oops...I meant coat your pieces in butter or a drizzle of EVOO and place them under the broiler on both sides until a toasty brown. Once you have your bread out, scoop up some of the goat cheese and lather your bread with it, removing a clove or 2 of garlic from their shells, mash them on top, sprinkle with Sea Salt and....

So Delicious...is your mouth watering yet?

Now Go Be Adventurous and try something new today...Garlic and Goat Cheese; and if you don't like Goat Cheese give it a try with some Cream Cheese (trust me I am right there beside you.)


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